por Fictiorama | Nov 30, 2017 | English, Project, Sin categoría
Over the last few months, and with the support of our publisher Badland Publishing, we’ve been lucky to have Do Not Feed the Monkeys showcased all around the world. Sometimes we’ve been able to attend the festivals the game was exhibited at, sometimes we...
por Fictiorama | Oct 4, 2017 | English, Project, Sin categoría
A few weeks ago we showcased, for the first time ever, a playable version of Do Not Feed the Monkeys. And…yes, we did it quite far away from home – roughly 10,300 Km from Madrid – at the Busan Indie Connect (BIC) festival. So, after a 32 hour trip...
por Fictiorama | Abr 11, 2015 | Project, Sin categoría
The first entry of this blog was posted on September 10, 2012. It’s been 943 days since then and, finally, Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today is out. Let us celebrate it with you with our new trailer! There are a couple of banners in the homepage, but...